
A Deposit towards a DiscoverGidi (known as DG throughout the rest of this statement) trip payment does not guarantee you an automatic spot on the trip.

DG is committed to curating and creating an experience that aligns with the culture and brand of its founders and their business. The DG experience guarantees you positive vibes and energy, throughout your fun, cultural and educational experience. DG therefore reserves the right to terminate your spot on this trip, if your words or actions negatively impact business, do not align with the mission or values of the brand, or deviates from and may potentially deteriorate the experience of others on the trip. In this event, you will be notified by DG of their decision, you will receive a full reimbursement for your DG ticket and you will be removed from all trip communications. DG will not be responsible for any trip related cost you have incurred before your termination


As stated on the home page banner, there are no refunds, unless the country we are going to closes its borders due to COVID-19. We ask that you take the necessary precautions to remain prudent and safe before traveling with us so that you do not contract COVID-19! In the event that you do test positive for COVID-19 resulting in your inability to travel, we will not be able to issue you a full refund. However, in certain cases we will offer a partial credit towards another trip, as we have paid vendors that will not refund us due to your absence

Please note that all charges from us on your account are made in 100% good faith, please reach out to us directly prior to filing a chargeback with your financial institution in the event that you feel you have been erroneously charged.

Additionally, if your trip is canceled, please do not issue a chargeback with your financial institutions as it is detrimental to small business accounts like ours. Please first reach out to us to discuss possible recourse.

Any chargebacks filed will result being permanently BANNED from any future trips with DiscoverGidi

There are absolutely no refunds. If a situation arises where your reservation needs to be terminated, you can transfer your room to someone who does not have an existing reservation. The purchase of travel insurance for unexpected cancellations is encouraged – Click here for Travel Insurance.
Please contact us by email and we will make any necessary adjustments to your reservation.


Join Waitlist Please fill out the form below so we can inform you if this trip becomes available for booking.

About Us

Our mission is to provide an authentic cultural experience to all participants. We aim to give participants an effortless travel experience that will enable them to generate fantastic memories. Come DiscoverGidi!
